PENELOPE is a woven paper investiture made from vintage music scores and belong to a series of works on paper alluded to emblematic women from the classical world.

Not only do Homer and Ovid challenge the conventional idea of womanly virtue in the classical world, but they recast these women as authors of their own destinies, resisting social pressures, challenging patriarchal and Olympic authority, and defying the expectations of those who would exert control over them.

Penelope, Philomela, and Arachne define on their own terms how they will respond to their physical circumstances. Wielding a shuttle is not quite like wielding a sword, but by exercising traditional roles in untraditional ways, Homer and Ovid’s female characters still wield extraordinary social power, with profound social consequences.

By using weaving as a metaphor for resistance, this works on paper bring us closer to our cultural identity and offer an alternative view of the function of art as a vehicle of consciousness by meeting  various forms of knowledge; oppening a dialogue between conservatism and innovation, between continuity and transmutation.